Saturday, September 20, 2008

Moving in day

The Bekins van arrived bright and early this morning, and unloaded all our stuff. Somehow it all fit into our condo. The biggest challenge was that the stairwell was too narrow for two box-spring mattresses, so the movers hoisted them straight up to the third floor. Yikes!

Unpacking will take months, but at least we know have a place to call home.

1 comment:

pmc said...


Congrats on getting all the "stuff" into your place. As a packrat, I sometimes have fantasies of Jesus' admonition in Mark about what his disciples should carry with them, but then I come back to reality and remember my love (idolatry?) of (especially) my books!

Blessings on you for the service tomorrow, I hope to be there.

In Christ's Peace,

Peter Carey+