Tuesday, June 14, 2011

St. Paul's work pilgrims stop in Birmingham on their way to New Orleans

Our youth and their adult leaders are on a work pilgrimage to New Orleans to continue the work of cleanup from Hurricane Katrina. Pastor Nik Forti is posting his blog about their travels, and he added an entry about their stop in Birmingham, Alabama, on Sunday:

It was about 8:30 in the morning yesterday when we left Gadsden, Alabama for the final half of our road trip to New Orleans. But we weren't on the road more than about an hour before we made a slight detour to visit Birmingham. And so we made our way through town until we reached Kelly Ingram Park - across the street from the Civil Rights Institute and across the intersection from the 16th Street Baptist Church.
To read the rest of his blog, click HERE. I will keep you updated through the week as he continues to post.

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