Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The latest from the work pilgrimage in New Orleans

Here is Pastor Nik's latest posting:

Our Daily Bread during this Work Pilgrimage

When we arrived in the Crescent City around 7 o'clock on Sunday evening, we were all ready for dinner. So, we unloaded our luggage and settled in at the big, old Garden District house that the Diocese has set aside for groups like ours, and then we went in search of dinner. For a while we bounced around the Garden District before a local directed us to Franky & Johnny's on Arabella Street.

We have a only a few meals out since arriving, but this dinner has been - by far - the best meal we've enjoyed on this trip. We had 'gator soup, softshell po' boys, catfish, boiled shrimp, crawfish pie, and more. And it was all profoundly delicious.

The only downside of this wonderful meal is that it set the bar high, and none of our other meals - though good - have compared to our Franky & Johnny's feast. Also, we were all wishing we had another couple of hours to sleep it off when 6 o'clock Monday morning rolled around and we had to be up and getting ready for our first day at the works site. But these amounted to a small price to pay for such a great feast shared with such good company.

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