Tuesday, August 18, 2009

President Obama's upcoming phone call with the faith community on health care

As you know, health care reform has become Topic A throughout the country this summer. There is a tremendous amount of misinformation floating on the internet, and scare tactics abound about such phony issues as "death panels."

On Wednesday Aug. 19 at 5 p.m. EDT, President Obama will be holding a conference call with the faith community. I will be participating and I hope you can, too. To register for this call, please go to this link: RSVP.

The Washington Post had an informative piece over the weekend about who is bankrolling the protests at the Congressional "townhall" meetings, including MetLife and Philip Morris. By the way, there are some familiar names mentioned to those of us who follow the attempts to split the Episcopal Church over sexuality issues. Have a look at The Post:
Loose Network of Activists Drives Reform Opposition
By Dan Eggen and Philip Rucker
Washington Post Staff Writers
Sunday, August 16, 2009
The rowdy protests that threaten President Obama's health-care reform efforts have been spurred on by a loose network of activists -- from veteran advocacy groups with millions of dollars in funding to casual alliances of like-minded conservatives unhappy over issues from taxes to deficits to environmental laws.
To read the rest, click HERE.

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