Monday, August 17, 2009

Beyond the Episcopal world: Churches involved in sexuality issues

Sorry to intrude upon the Monday Funnies, but I want to share this from the New Jersey Star-Ledger. Our arguments over inclusion and sexuality may garner the most headlines, yet other mainline churches are immersed in the issue as well. Consider this from a story in today's Star Ledger:
* The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (4.7 million members), whose weeklong meeting in Minneapolis begins today will vote on whether non-celibate gay people can be ordained as Lutheran clergy, and on a statement saying same-gendered relationships have a place in the church.

* In July, the United Methodist News Service announced that the United Methodist Church (11 million members, 8 million of whom are Americans) is on track, based on early voting results, to reject an amendment that would let any professed Christian become a church member. Conservative opponents viewed the proposed change as implicit acceptance of homosexuality.

* In June, the Presbyterian Church USA (2.3 million members) announced the rejection of an amendment that would have let non-celibate gay people become clergy.
To read the full story, click HERE. The Monday Funnies are below...

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