Thursday, May 14, 2009

Life on The Corner...

First things first today: Congratulations to all of the University of Virginia graduates!! 

Commencement is this weekend, and we can already feel life slowing down on "The Corner" in Charlottesville.  The photo at right is what it looks like on a typical day in front of St. Paul's.

Yesterday evening Margaret Mohrmann gave a terrific homily about how it is time to find the God of the beach, good books and rest. Amen.

This Sunday we will have only one worship service, at 8 am, because of commencement exercises across the street later in the morning. Do please come at 8 am; we will have a full service with choir, homily and Eucharist. We have a few parking passes we can give to graduates and their families usable for commencement.

As for Lori and Jim, we are moving households today and the next few days. We are decamping from our rental condo and heading to our new place south of town. Lori has already dubbed it "Glebe Cottage." The internet is already up and running at the new place, but I am not sure how active I will be with the posts here until we are settled.

Again, congrats to the grads! Blessings to all. 


1 comment:

  1. Very cool pic...

    ...we're psyched to be nearby, quite soon...

