Saturday, May 16, 2009

An enjoyable morning

We took a time-out from moving this morning to go to two breakfasts. First we joined members of the youth group for the last fund-raiser for their trip to the Pine Ridge reservation this summer.  We filled up on pancakes, then headed to a breakfast hosted by nationally known political scientist Larry Sabato in "Pavilion IV" on the University of Virginia lawn (see photo). 

The pavilion is one of several homes embedded in the "academical village" designed by Thomas Jefferson. Students live in the surrounding one-bedroom chambers up and down the lawn, while prominent faculty live in the pavilions, and it so happens that Professor Sabato is the current occupant of Pavilion IV. We had a delighted breakfast in his garden, chatted awhile, and enjoyed ourselves immensely. 

And, one more reminder: Tomorrow's worship service will be held at 8 am (there will be no 10 am service because of commencement across the street). Okay, back to boxes...

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