Monday, April 27, 2009

Late breaking news: We have house

At last, we have a nest of our own in Charlottesville. We signed the papers today to buy a house here!

The house is just south of Charlottesville in a wooded area on a mountainside. The house has a great living room/dining room and guest suite on the main floor perfect for entertaining, and bedrooms upstairs for us. Watch for hanging plants on the porch to the right. We also want to put native plants and wildflowers in front to replace the lawn.

Out in back is a terrific playground apparatus for all the parish kids. And the house is only a 10 minute drive from St. Paul's.

Our new next door neighbor, we discovered yesterday, is a retired Presbyterian minister and the founder of Virginia Interfaith Power and Light (St. Paul's is a member, and this blog promotes the green organization to the left on this page). We are therefore going to dub our mountain "Holy Hill" (with apologies to the GTU) and the house "Glebe Cottage." 

 We are delighted! Moving commences immediately. Now if someone can find us the keys.


  1. Congrats!

    It sounds just great!

    As for the Holy Hill, some might argue that there is only one Holy Hill in VA - in Alexandria, on Seminary Rd - or perhaps Shrine Mont - but since God is immanent and omnipresent, I think you can claim that your hill is holy as well!


    (looking for a house in C-ville or environs, as well)

  2. Lori and Jim, I'm so glad you are moving into your house. It sounds great and hopefully having your own home here will help you to feel even more settled.

    Kay Slaughter
