Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Friends and fava beans, hope and forgiveness

Waking up this morning to a beautiful Spring day in Charlottesville, I am thankful we will soon settle into our own house. Another chapter begins in our life in the East, the page turns again. I am also mindful, very much so the last few days, that my friends, my family, my dear ones, live in many places, some close by, some not too far, and some very far away. Those pages of my life are still with me.

I am blessed to have so many people surrounding Lori and myself, staying in touch with us, sending love and prayers, and staying connected with us.

Yesterday afternoon, Lori and I had a wonderful conversation at the produce section of a local grocery store with a member of St. Paul's who was delighted to hear our news of getting a house. When we got back to our apartment, I had a quick phone conversation with a neighbor in Sacramento on how to cook the fava beans we had just purchased at the local grocery. Sometimes conversations in produce departments and on the phone about fava beans are more meaningful than any sermon I could devise for the pulpit.

Last week, I said farewell to my old newspaper friend, Jerry, last week in Sacramento. It was a good day for many reasons, it was especially wonderful to reconnect with so many friends from journalism and the state Capitol ("The Building"); we took up where we left off, sometimes years ago. 

Our friend, Karen in Tennessee, sent this lovely poem this morning, and I rather like it because hits the tone just right, so I share it with you. The photos I took awhile back; one is the sunrise looking east from the mountains above Denver, taken on our trip east last summer. The other is along the Deschutes River near Bend, Oregon. Blessings to all.
In Colorado , In Oregon , upon
by Joshua Beckman

In Colorado , In Oregon , upon
each beloved fork, a birthday is celebrated.
I miss each and every one of my friends.
I believe in getting something for nothing.
Push the chair, and what I can tell you
with almost complete certainty
is that the chair won't mind.
And beyond hope,
I expect it is like this everywhere.
Music soothing people.
Change rolling under tables.
The immaculate cutoff so that we may continue.
A particular pair of trees waking up against the window.
This partnership of mind, and always now
in want of forgiveness. That forgiveness be
the domain of the individual,
like music or personal investment.
Great forward-thinking people brought us
the newspaper, and look what we have done.
It is time for forgiveness. Dear ones,
unmistakable quality will soon be upon us.
Don't wait for anything else.

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