Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Tuesday in Holy Week: The storm before the calm

Today it rained buckets. Our staff meeting went through the details for the next five days. Do we have enough candles? Does anyone remember where we hid the towels for the foot washing Thursday? Any last minute music changes? And on and on the day went.

At noon I took a break for the Holy Eucharist led by the Rev. Ed Tourangeau. He preached about courage. I enjoy his gentle style.

We were no sooner done than the bishop's secretary, Amy Williams, came through the door holding a box with the supplies (oil, programs) for the Maundy Thursday reaffirmation of ordination vows service with Bishop Gulick (11 am -- come if you can). We went to lunch, then it was back to our respective to-do list.

Tomorrow we have our regular Community Night dinner, and Joe Lenow will be preaching. Joe is a very gifted PhD student who is also preparing for the priesthood. Do come if you are in the neighborhood.

May your Holy Week be blessed.

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