Monday, July 16, 2012

Shrine Mont weekend: A splendid time had by all!

Thanks to the many people who made our Shrine Mont weekend a smashing success! We had about 150 people, many who came for the first time. The weekend also marks my fourth anniversary as Rector of St. Paul's Memorial Church.

It was an energetic weekend with the Bishop's Music Festival and the 50th anniversary celebration of Shrine Mont as a camp. There were a lot of people, a lot of activities. Here are some photos Lori took from the weekend. Enjoy!

Relaxing on the second floor porch

On the 2nd floor porch at adult hour

Retired Senior Warden, left, gets overdue award from
current Senior Warden Christie Thomas on behalf of the Vestry

Marta, Cal, Stacy and Sue

Favorite activity of many at Shrine Mont

Pam Dennison and Jim Richardson after Pam
got her award. She was a good sport.

Which way should we go, Margaret?

Anyone for kickball?

Many legs make light work

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