Monday, July 9, 2012

The Monday Funnies

We haven't had the Monday Funnies in awhile -- a major oversight.  With UVA melodramas, General Convention, thunderstorms of the century, and summer doldrums, we could definitely use a few laughs. So here is a good yarn from Patrick Hill in the Jokester Department, and a newish cartoon by Dave Walker. Enjoy your week!

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There was a new pastor just out of seminary in her first call. The first week went quite well and her first Sunday was excellent. The congregation was especially impressed with the sermon that first Sunday.

But during the following week, the pastor just got very busy with many things, trying to get to all the shut-ins, and nursing home residents, as well as unpacking all the boxes in the parsonage, and by the time Saturday night rolled around, she realized that she hadn't had time to write a sermon, so she decided to just use the one from the previous week.

Well, fortunately, even though some people thought it sounded familiar they didn't say anything they knew how busy she had been.

But sure enough the same thing kept happening, the next week she had a couple funerals and again didn't have time to prepare a new sermon for Sunday morning.

After this had happened about four weeks in a row, the church president called the bishop and a special meeting of the church council and at the meeting the president turns to the bishop and says, “You know, we really like our pastor here, she's great with the youth and with visitation, but she's giving us the same sermon four Sundays in a row.”

The bishop turns to the pastor and says, “Is this true?”

 The pastor answers “yes” and then proceeds to offer all the reasons why she had done what she had done but the bishop cuts her off and turns to the council and says, “Tell me what this sermon was about?”

The council members start kind-of hemming and hawing, one says “I think there was something about Jesus in there.” Another says, “Yeah, something like, that, but I'm not really sure.”

After a few minutes of this the bishop stops the conversation, turns to the pastor and says, “One more time!”

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