Thursday, July 5, 2012

General Convention opens: Praying "on earth as in heaven"

This morning's highlight from the opening of the 77th General Convention was probably the Holy Eucharist with a short homily by Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori. You can read the homily HERE.  The Eucharists at General Convention will celebrate the many holy men and women who have come before us. As Bishop Katharine noted in her homily today:

The saints we remember here are a reminder of that catholicity – some of them familiar, and some are new to many of us. The three we celebrate today were activists for the kingdom of God in their own day. Each one insisted, in his own way, that the reign of God was meant to be realized on earth as it is in heaven, and not just something anticipated after death.

So far there is no news coming out of General Convention. Bishop Katharine and House of Deputies President Bonnie Anderson held a press conference Wednesday and got only two questions from the handful of reporters who were there.

But stay tuned. General Convention is only now rumbling to the starting line.

Oh, and speaking of starting lines, what would General Convention be without the Rev. Gregory Straub, secretary to the House of Deputies, and his sartorial displays? For opening day, he chose an Indy 500 themed outfit (photo at left).

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