Monday, June 4, 2012

The Monday Funnies

Pat Hill is on a mission trip in Sudan, so I've looked through the joke vault he left me. At least the cartoon from Dave Walker is new. Stop me if you've heard this one before...

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As the beloved pastor is being honored on the occasion of his departure, an elderly woman greets him with tears in her eyes.

"Pastor," she says, "we're really going to miss you."

"Don't worry," replies the pastor, "I'm sure the diocese will find someone at least as good to replace me."

The woman sobs uncontrollably and answers, "That's what they've all said, and they've all been wrong."

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A Sunday School teacher asked her class, "Does anyone here know what we mean by sins of omission?"

A small girl replied, "Aren't those the sins we should have committed, but didn't?"

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