Monday, June 25, 2012

Charlottesville Carpenter's Kids in Tanzania

I am on the road in the Northeast for a few days, so forgive me for not posting quite so frequently. I thought today we'd take a break from the leadership crisis at UVA to bring you something else going on our world.

A group of pilgrims from Charlottesville, including our former associate rector, Ann Willms, are in Tanzania on a mission trip under the auspices of "Carpenter's Kids" and the Diocese of Virginia. Most of the families on the pilgrimage are from St. Paul's Ivy but there is at least one family from St. Paul's Memoiral. Many of you contributed so that they could go. Ann is posting on a blog and I highly recommend it. You can read her reflection and see photos (including the one above) by clicking HERE.

As for dear old UVA, the Board of Visitors meets tomorrow, and the governor has told them to resolve the leadership crisis or all of the members of the board will be replaced. There was a rally on the Lawn Sunday afternoon, and the Washington Post wrote a decent story about it that you can read HERE. There is every hope that President Sullivan will be reinstated. To quote Thomas Jefferson, “It is more honorable to repair a wrong than to persist in it.”

I've added a photo from the Washington Post showing Sunday's "Rally for Honor" on the UVA Lawn. Note the orange sign from United Ministries, which is the organization of campus chaplains to which we belong.

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