Thursday, April 12, 2012

Easter break

Dear friends and devoted readers,

It is time for Fiat Lux to take a Spring break. Since the beginning of Advent 2011, we've had 173 posts, an average of more than one post per day, including 112 posts so far this year. Some certainly have been better than others.

According to Googlestats, readership continues to grow with an average this year of more than 500 readers per day, or 11,000 views a month. Not bad for a church blog with an outdated design (so says the Episcopal Communicators outfit).

I am very grateful to everyone who follows this blog, for your contributions of poetry and prayer, cartoons and jokes, and your comments, both here in virtual space and in-person in real space.

But all things need a time for recharging and new inspiration. So it is time for break. Thanks for reading, and please check back in a week or so, and we will pick it up again (and feel free to browse what you may have missed).

Easter blessings to all,


Photo by Bonny Bronson, at dusk at the Great Vigil of Easter, April 7, 2012
By James Richardson, Fiat Lux

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