Monday, March 12, 2012

The Monday Funnies

Lori reminded me the other day of an oldie-but-goodie. There are a number of versions of this joke, so here is one, written by Lori with a few edits from me. Enjoy your Monday and the rest of the week...

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A young man entered a monastery had a rather firm rule of allowing only two words to be said once a year during the annual meeting with the abbot.

Brother Lawrence went about his duties for the first year, and then had his annual meeting with the abbott and said: "Hard bed."

The next year at his meeting with the abbot, Brother Lawrence said: "Cold toast."

The young monk continued his work, his prayers, and other duties as assigned.

At the end of his third year, he told the abbot: "I quit."

The abbot turned to his assistant and said, "I am not surprised. All he ever did was complain."

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