Wednesday, February 15, 2012

EfM mentor moonlighting as taxi driver?

If you've been around Charlottesville awhile you know that the taxi drivers in this town have an odd sense of humor and they like to display it on the trunks of their cabs.

And, if you've been around the Episcopal Church awhile you know that we love our metaphors and we love to say "The Lord be with you" on any occasion. And spinning metaphors is the foundation of the popular Education for Ministry program.

So imagine my delight at seeing this all mixed up on the back of a C'ville cab.

I was caught in traffic the other day behind this taxi, and took a photo with my iPhone when we were stopped at a light. I am wondering if the cabbie is an out-of-work EfM leader or just a very inspired EfM graduate. Maybe someone will see him again and ask.

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