Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Blessed be God in holy places!

ROSLYN, Virginia -- For the next couple of days I am on a personal retreat at the Roslyn retreat center near Richmond, a gift of the diocese to the clergy.

There is no program, no seminars, no small groups, no easel boards and pens. The only plan is go to chapel when I feel like it, pray, sleep, go on walks, meet with a spiritual director, and enjoy the hearty Southern food they serve here. There aren't many of us here, and that is fine with me.

Today's morning prayer began with the complicated (and overly triumphant) Psalm 68. I like the last line because it fits where I am:
How wonderful is God in holy places! the God of Israel giving strength and power to his people! Blessed be God!

1 comment:

  1. Have a blessed time in the solitude, which I hold dearly when I need it.

    I'll tell you later about a snowy day I experienced at Roslyn. And, I have some pictures to go along with it.
