Monday, November 21, 2011

The Monday Funnies: Thanksgiving Edition

It is Thanksgiving week, and Pat Hill and the Fiat Lux Jokester Department has been working overtime to bring you these turkeys.

Enjoy your gobbler week and welcome to the Monday Funnies . . .

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One fellow was violently tearing through his Bible in a desperate search. A friend came up and asked, "Is something wrong?" 
"Yes," he said, "I can't remember if the Thanksgiving story is in the Old Testament or New Testament." 
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November is nature's way of giving you time to eat up the leftover Halloween candy before you have to start eating up the leftover turkey. 

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As someone has said, "If God had meant for us to fast on Thanksgiving, he would never have created 30-pound turkeys."

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The preacher's wife admonished him before his Thanksgiving Service: 
"Remember when you go on and on about all our Pilgrim Fathers had to endure that our Pilgrim Mothers had to endure all that and the Pilgrim Fathers as well. 

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Our slogan this Thanksgiving: "Eat until you're thankful; not until you are sorry." 
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(Tune O Come All Ye Faithful) 
O come all ye turkeys,
Fully dressed or boneless;
Come all ye Armor Stars,
This Thanksgiving day.
Come and be basted,
You will not be wasted;
Oh be our guest for dinner,
Oh be our guest for dinner,
Oh be our guest for dinner,
Thanksgiving Day.

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