Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sunday: Gathering to hear the ancient stories once again

I am not preaching today. We have a guest preacher at 8 am and 10 am, Dr. Margaret Mohrmann, a beloved member of St. Paul's and a professor with the University of Virginia.

At the 5:30 pm worship, Joe Lenow, our ministry intern, will be preaching. I will be at all the services and I am looking forward to hearing them challenge and inspire us.

Our friend Karen from Tennessee sent this along the other day, and I thought it fitting for Sunday and our gathering around the Holy Table to hear once again the ancient story of salvation that is our story, too:

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The World is Not a Courtroom
By Saadi

The world is not a courtroom,
there is no judge, no jury, no plaintiff.

This is a caravan,
filled with eccentric beings
telling wondrous stories about God.

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