Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Remembering my friend Tim

An old friend of mine from my California Capitol days, Tim Hodson, died Tuesday after a long battle with brain cancer. He was smart and funny, gentle and kind, and truly a public servant. He was a true friend who could listen and laugh.

Tim devoted his life to educating and mentoring, and he looked always for how to make the electoral system fair. He was among the few people I know who perked up at discussions of district reapportionment. He was 61.

His wife, Ruth, reported last night that she found this note pinned above his desk on Senate stationery. I share it with you:

Ghandi, on things that will destroy us:

Politics without principle,
pleasure without conscience,
wealth without work,
knowledge without character,
business without morality,
science without humanity,
worship without sacrifice.

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