Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Leaving the village to see

"He took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the village..."

I've been hiding out in our house on our Virginia hillside since last Thursday. I've been mostly in silence, though alas, email intrudes more than I should let it. I've been up early each morning to read and meditate on the daily scriptural passages assigned for the day.

With no deadlines, no meetings to get to, I've taken my time, as much time as I need to take. And that has been wonderful. I've also gotten to the gym each day for a full workout. And I've rediscovered my love of yoga.

This is a time of retreat for me, overdue certainly. I've learned I don't have to go to a retreat center to do this, but it takes a little more discipline than it might otherwise.

My meditations and prayers have led me many places the last few days, and they are exceedingly private so I am not going to share much here (uncharacteristic for me, I know). But one thing I will mention:

This morning's gospel lesson from Mark struck me with the idea that Jesus needed to take the blind man from his village to see. Somehow the blind man's blindness could not be lifted until he left home. That, I think, has something to do with the idea of pilgrimage. To truly see sometimes requires leaving home to see what was there right all along.

Soon Lori and I will embark on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. We will be at St. George's Anglican College in Jerusalem with a group of friends and fellow pilgrims. I know we will see many famous sites, learn many things, and maybe, we will see what was already there in front of us. Please keep us in your prayers. I will keep you posted as best I can in this space.

By the way, our home will be occupied by a friend from Washington DC. Please be kind to him if you see him. Blessings to all.

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