Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer solstice and Fiat Lux taking a break

Dear ones,

Welcome to summer.  Life gets a little slower in the summer here in Charlottesville, and it is once again time to take a break here at Fiat Lux.

I need a little time away from the blogosphere to slow down, use fewer words in all things, and find renewal and inspiration. But please check back here soon.

In August, we will be in Jerusalem, and I will certainly resume writing in this space well before then. In the meantime, catch up with what you may have missed here.

For now, let me leave you with a summer poem. I ran this last summer, from my favorite poet, Gary Snyder, and the art is by the amazing Chiura Obata.  "Loowit" is the Indian name for Mt. St. Helens, a place I partially climbed many summers ago after the eruption.  Enjoy the wonder of summer.
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Enjoy the Day
By Gary Snyder

One morning on a ridgetop east of Loowit
after campfire coffee

looking at the youthful old volcano
breathing steam and sulfer
sunrise lava
bowls of snow

went up behind a mountain hemlock
asked my old advisors where they lay

what's going on?

they say

"New friends and dear sweet old tree ghosts
here we are again. Enjoy the day."

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