Thursday, May 5, 2011

Survey by the Diocese of Virginia concerning the search for a new Bishop Suffragan

You may not have heard much about this yet, but the Diocese of Virginia is in the midst of a search for a new Bishop Suffragan, to replace The Right Rev. David Jones who is retiring. We will be electing the new bishop next April. For more information, please click HERE.

The bishop search committee has posted an on-line survey, and the information and link to it is below. If you are a resident of the Diocese of Virginia, please take the time to complete the survey:

Share your views with the Bishop Suffragan Nominating Committee by participating in this important diocesan survey.  
Welcome to the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia, where our mission is to worship our Lord and serve the world in unity and diversity. Our diocesan community strives to support and grow our priority ministries: youth & young adult formation; strengthening our congregations; multicultural & ethnic ministries; mission beyond ourselves; and evangelism & proclamation. I invite you to explore this Web site to learn more about our faith, our community of churches, our ministries and our staff.
--The Rt. Rev. Shannon S. Johnston, Bishop

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