Friday, April 1, 2011

Spirit of Promise, Spirit of Unity

I haven't written much myself here this week for a number of reasons, though I have been re-posting from other sources. As you may know, Lori injured herself while ski instructing in February.

She had surgery Monday to repair her right knee and she is doing quite well. I've been learning the art of home nursing and discovering the amazing restorative properties of ice packs and sleep. This is turning out to be a very different Lent for both of us than we expected.

Lori found this prayer yesterday morning, and I pass it along to you in the Spirit of all that binds us together in this amazing universe where we dwell:

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Spirit of promise, Spirit of unity,
we thank you that you are also the Spirit of renewal.
Renew in the whole Church, we pray, that passionate desire for
the coming of the kingdom that will unite all Christians in one mission to the world.
May we all grow up together into him, who is our head, the Savior of the world,
and our only Lord and Master. Amen.
- Olive Wyon
Photo: Galaxy NGC 5584, which is 72 million light years from earth, photo by the Hubble Space Telescope, credit NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day, March 30, 2011.

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