Monday, March 28, 2011

Update on our marriage issues forums

I am very grateful for the large turnout we've had the last four Sundays for our adult forums on the issues of traditional marriage and same-sex marriage.

Yesterday, The Rev. Dr. Heather Warren and I gave summaries of the arguments for and against same-sex marriage, and we looked at it from six angles from within our Christian tradition: (1) the Genesis stories of creation, (2) Old Testament holiness laws, (3) the teachings of Jesus on marriage and divorce, (4) the teachings of St. Paul and his followers, (5) sacramental theology, (6) the Anglican Communion and its "bonds of affection."

We've given summaries within each of those categories for "Traditional marriage only" and "Inclusion of same-sex marriage." We've been as fair as we know how but recognizing there is a great deal more to say within each of the categories.

I've posted our presentations from yesterday on a special blog,,  and you can read it by clicking HERE. Please read the presentations from the previous three Sundays because this latest presentation will make more sense if you do.

This was our final presentation on this topic, but we will have one more Sunday adult forum on the issue on April 10 at 11:30 am. We will devote the time for conversation and dialogue. Heather and will repeat these presentations as a Wednesday Community Night adult education series beginning April 27 (Easter Week). We are also looking at the calendar to hold a Saturday workshop to give all of the presentations in one setting, with time for small group discussion on each presentation. Please lend us your thoughts.

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