Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Refinishing the floors at St. Paul's

You likely won't see these views again for many years. We've been lifting up the pews last week and this to refinish the floors in the St. Paul's nave. The wooden floors were worn through to raw wood in many places with deep gouges.

Last week the pews on the western side were removed and the floors refinished. Everything was put back in place for Sunday's services. This week the eastern side is undergoing renovation.

The photos show the floor stripped to bear wood and the second photo shows the stain going on. Like the floor on the western side, it will receive four coats of a special varnish that will preserve with its patina finish.

With the pews removed, the nave looks bigger; we could easily fit a basketball floor inside (and it kind of looks that way).

I'd invite you to come by and have a look but the chemical odors are strong. Have a look on Sunday when it all gets put back.

We have a great deal more work to do to maintain the building, but the refinished floors should last for many years to come.

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