Saturday, January 8, 2011

Diocese of Virginia Council hearings today

Today I am off to the Diocese of Virginia pre-Council meetings in Richmond. This is a new procedure for the diocese for having hearings on all of the proposals two weeks in advance of the 216th Annual Council that opens on January 20 in Reston.

The Council is the governing body of the Diocese (what many other dioceses would call a convention) and has hundreds of participants. The idea of today's hearings is to give people a fuller opportunity to be heard and to make debate at the Council more manageable. We'll see how this experiment works.

I will be presenting a proposal, BR-1, that would increase diocesan funding for campus ministry. There are a number of other proposals that will be heard today including a resolution, R-2, that would urge the bishop to authorize same-gender blessings; and another, R-9 that would urge the bishop to settle the lawsuits with breakaway churches while another, R-8, that would encourage him to continue pursuing the lawsuits. It should be fun.

You can download the agenda and all of the proposals by clicking HERE. Keep us in your prayers.

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