Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Please join us for a Thanksgiving dinner this evening

Thanksgiving dinner tonight
(and bring a side-dish), and gather tomorrow for a Holy Eucharist at 10 am. Here is our schedule the next two days.

Thanksgiving Eve - Wednesday, November 24

5:30 pm - Evening Prayer
6:00 pm - Thanksgiving Dinner
6:45 - Hymn Sing

Community Night Thanksgiving Dinner and Hymn Sing -- Iris Potter will cook the turkeys and Jim and Lori Richardson will play host to our annual pre-Thanksgiving dinner. Please bring side-dishes. Following dinner, we will have a hymn sing in the parish hall so be sure to look up in advance which hymns you want to sing.

Thanksgiving Day - Thursday, November 25

10:00 am - Holy Eucharist with Blessing of Thanksgiving Bread and Wine

Join us at 10 am for a brief Thanksgiving worship service. Thanksgiving is an official feast day of the Episcopal Church, so put the turkey in the oven and join us for a time of prayer and thanks for all God has given us. And we will continue our new tradition this year: Bring bread and an unopened bottle of wine or other beverage that you will use for your Thanksgiving dinner. We will bless the bottles, and your meal will carry with it the blessing of St. Paul's.

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