Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Join us Friday for our Centennial Concert

This Friday at 7 pm we will showcase the musical talent in our parish at our Centennial Concert. This will be our last official Centennial celebration this year. I hope you will join us -- the concert is free, and our music director, Daniel Hine, promises to delight us with the variety of music and musicians in our midst.

We've had an epic Centennial year, marked at the start by a three-day visit from Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori. We've been treated to preaching from Sam Lloyd, the Dean of the Washington National Cathedral, and from incoming University of Virginia President Teresa Sullivan. We've looked not just at our past, but forward in our mission. For me, our Centennial has been a year-long conversation about why we are here -- who we are and whose we are -- and what God is calling us to be in the next 100 years.

I will have more to say in a day or two about how our conversation can move forward. For now, please mark your calendar for this Friday and come join us for a terrific concert.

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