Thursday, November 11, 2010

Fiat Lux: Marking the 900th posting with a virtual trip to Half Dome

This is the 900th posting to Fiat Lux since launching this blog in June 2008. I thought we should mark the occasion with something fun and spiritual, and with a light theme (after all, this is Fiat Lux, "Let There be Light").

What else would fit that bill than trip to Yosemite? Below is a delightful time-lapse video taken Nov. 8 from Sentinel Dome, looking across at Half Dome, and note the dusting of snow already on the peaks.

This video comes courtesy of the Yosemite Conservancy, which Lori and I have financially supported for years. The Conservancy was formed with the merger of the Yosemite Association and Yosemite Fund. With government cuts slicing deeply into the maintenance budgets of the national parks, the Conservancy is filling a gap by helping to keep Yosemite open and safe for all visitors. For more information about this very worthy organization, and to donate, please click HERE.

And now, please enjoy your journey to one of the most wonderful places on earth...

Photo at top: "Monolith, The Face of Half Dome," by Ansel Adams, 1927.

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