Saturday, November 27, 2010

Christmas can [still] change the world: Advent Conspiracy

What if this Advent we returned to our deepest meaning of our tradition? Instead of all of the stress of shopping malls, traffic jams and parking lots, what if we worshipped more and spent less on ourselves? What if we spend so that others might live more fully?

This is the purpose of Advent Conspiracy, an organization helping people in the poorest regions of the world by providing the means for safe drinking water. We are also using the name for a gathering of parents of teens and 'tweens this Sunday at St. Paul's. It comes down to the same thing -- the promise of hope and the love of Christ entering our world.

This the third year I've promoted Advent Conspiracy in this space; to learn more about this organization, click HERE. Below is a promotional video from last year that is still good:

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