Sunday, November 21, 2010

A Choral Evensong at 4 pm at the Washington National Cathedral for the Very Rev. Charles A. Perry

This afternoon, our dear friend, Charles Perry, will be interred at the Washington National Cathedral at 4 pm with a Choral Evensong in his honor. Lori and I, and a number of people from St. Paul's, will be there.

Charles played a huge role in bringing the Cathedral to completion. Charles served as Provost from 1978 to 1990 before becoming president of the Church Divinity School of the Pacific in Berkeley. To learn more about Charles's career, visit the Cathedral website by clicking HERE.

After leaving CDSP in 1994, Charles and Joy retired here to their beloved Charlottesville, where they rejoined the congregation of St. Paul's. The photo above of Charles was taken on Aug. 29 during our "Convocation Sunday" welcoming back our University of Virginia students, faculty and staff. We asked all of our academics in the congregation to wear their regalia, and Charles happily complied.

Charles was instrumental in bringing me to Charlottesville, and he was a wise counselor and a great friend in this time of transition for us. I miss him greatly. I hope you can make it to the National Cathedral today.

Photo by Bonny Bronson.

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