Friday, October 29, 2010

Tonight: African Development Project Harambee

Come hear some good news!

You are invited to ADP’s annual fundraising dinner: a sale of Kenyan crafts and jewelry begins at 5:30 pm, followed by a festive dinner at 6:00 pm at St. Paul's.

There will be updates on the projects we support in Kenya and presentations by Susanna Williams on her recent visit to Nyalwodep Project for Orphans and Children and by Kelli Olson, Cindy Cartwright, and Julie Convisser on DAWN, the new “Dollar a Week Network” to support an orphan in school.

Everyone is welcome. RSVP:, or call the church office: 295-2156. Since 1985, ADP has partnered with effective development projects in Kenya, whose leaders we know. The projects enable people to improve their health and income, grow more food, obtain clean water, care for orphans and the ill, and attend school. Generous donations from many supporters, St. Paul’s Youth Group, and St. Paul’s outreach budget enabled us to send a record amount to the projects since last fall’s Harambee—over $38,000.

If you cannot attend and wish to donate to ADP, please make checks payable to St. Paul’s Memorial Church, with “African Development Project” in the memo line and send to the church or put in the offering.

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