Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ten Shifts for a 21st Century Church

This past Sunday we were treated to a terrific sermon by The Very Rev. Dr. Samuel Lloyd, the dean of the National Cathedral. His roots are here at St. Paul's Memorial Church where he was an associate rector many years ago, and in my opinion that gave him great credibility to talk about how the church-writ-large is changing and how we must also change.

You can listen to his sermon by clicking HERE, and we will post the text when we get a copy.

Sam drew on the work of Diana Butler Bass, who I also highly commend (let me recommend her book Christianity for the Rest of Us). In his sermon, Sam talked about her contention that the Church must make ten shifts to remain (or become) vibrant and vital in the lives of people in the 21st century. Sam talked about the five of the shifts in his sermon, and the other five at a forum after the service. He gave us much to talk about, and I invite your discussion on these points here and in person.

Here is an outline of the 10 shifts for a 21st century church:

1. From a club to a movement.

2. From tourist to pilgrim.

3. From welcoming to inviting.

4. From open doors to hospitality to the stranger.

5. From privacy to testimony.

6. From compassion to justice.

7. From pew rent to sacrificial giving.

8. From saying prayers to praying.

9. From education to formation.

10. From attending church to adoration.

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