Thursday, July 15, 2010

Retired bishop of Kentucky appointed to assist in Virginia

In case you missed this, a emailed letter came across the desk this afternoon from Bishop Shannon Johnston announcing that he has appointed Edwin "Ted" Gulick, the retired bishop of Kentucky, as his assisting bishop. This is very good news because Bishop Shannon will now get reinforcements in making visitations to the 180 congregations of our far-flung diocese.

Bishop Gulick will join Bishop David Jones on the road, preaching and conducting confirmation and other sacramental duties. Assisting bishops do not have the same power and authority as the diocesan bishop -- all that still rests with Shannon Johnston. But this will help Bishop Shannon to focus on the vision and ministry he is called to do with our diocese. Here is his letter and a photograph of Bishop Gulick:

Electronic Letterhead
July 15, 2010

Dear Diocesan Family,

It is with great pleasure indeed that I write to tell you that the Rt. Rev. Edwin "Ted" F. Gulick Jr. has
accepted my appointment as assistant bishop in the Diocese of Virginia. This is the culmination of a series of discussions I've had with Bishop Gulick since 2008 leading up to this call. As I met with the Standing Committee to discuss this appointment, we all sensed a profound call in the intersection of Bishop Gulick's deep roots in this diocese, his gifts and passion for his continuing ministry, and our common sense of how he can complement and support the vision for ministry here. The Standing Committee unanimously and enthusiastically endorsed this appointment.

A native Virginian, Bishop Gulick grew up as a member of St. Stephen's, Catlett. As a youth he
attended St. George's Camp at Shrine Mont and served there as a staff member. He received a bachelor of arts degree from Lynchburg College and a master of divinity degree from Virginia Theological Seminary. Bishop Gulick served as a parish priest for 20 years before he became the seventh bishop of the Diocese of Kentucky in 1994. His episcopate is one that has been marked by a dedication to outreach, youth and young adult formation and ecumenical ministries. He was a nominee for presiding bishop in 2006.

Bishop Gulick will begin as our assistant bishop effective January 1, 2011. Before that time, Bishop
Gulick has very graciously agreed to visit a number of congregations around the Diocese as a visiting bishop. Once he becomes assistant bishop of Virginia next year, he will assume a full schedule of visitations, as well as focusing particularly on pastoral care and response, especially for our clergy and their families.

I know that you will join me in welcoming Bishop Gulick back home to Virginia. This is an exciting new chapter in our common life, and I look forward to our future ministry together.


The Rt. Rev. Shannon S. Johnston
Bishop of Virginia

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