Friday, July 2, 2010

On our way back from away

We have been away the last few weeks. Mostly Lori and I have been reconnecting with friends and family in California. We've shared many meals, many laughs, hiked in the Sierra, fished in the Truckee River, walked on a fabulous beach at Asilomar, and rode cable cars in San Francisco. I've returned to my old haunts to open the state Senate in prayer, went to a Mumbo Gumbo concert and a River Cats baseball game, drank wine in Napa Valley, and was blessed by a living saint, Roman Catholic Bishop Francis Quinn. We've also shared in the deep sadness in a courtroom at the sentencing of two men convicted in the murder of a young dear friend and blessed the house where he was killed.

Today we are winging our way back to Charlottesville, ready for the next chapter in our new home with our new friends. Please pray that the angels will give us traveling mercies this day.
-- Jim & Lori

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