It gives me great pleasure to announce that I have called The Rev. Nicholas Forti to be our Associate Rector for Young Adult Ministry. I am very excited to have Nik join our ministry team. The Vestry has concurred in this calling, and we expect final approval soon from Bishop Shannon Johnston and the Diocese of Virginia.
Nik is a recent graduate of the Virginia Theological Seminary. His wife, Eleis, is a recent graduate of St. John’s College in Annapolis. Nik is currently a transitional deacon, and we expect his ordination to the priesthood in about six months.
In his full-time associate rector position, Nik will be primarily responsible for shepherding our vibrant teenage youth group and our University of Virginia student ministries, particularly our Canterbury Fellowship program. He will be the principal liturgical leader at our 5:30 pm worship service, working with students, musicians and others.
Nik has a strong background in both of the ministries that are the focus of his position. Nik grew up in Richmond, then went to Radford University, and lived in the Canterbury House at Radford. As an undergraduate, Nik began exploring his calling to the priesthood. After graduation, Nik was the paid youth lay minister for a teen youth group at a church in Richmond; he built a Journey to Adulthood (J2A) program from the ground up, including leading youth on a spiritual pilgrimage to Scotland. He was accepted into the ordination process in the Diocese of Southern Virginia.
At seminary, Nik completed two years of field education (internship) in campus ministry at the University of Maryland; he is very enthusiastic about leading university ministry and working with students.
Eleis also grew up in Richmond, and she and Nik went to the same high school (several years apart). Eleis hopes to be involved in our social justice ministries, including PACEM, and assisting with the dinners for students on Sunday evenings. She will be studying for admission to law school.
They will both be at Shrine Mont this weekend, and I will formally introduce them to the congregation on Sunday July 18 at all three of our regular worship services (and Nik will be preaching).
Please join me in welcoming Nik and Eleis to Charlottesville and St. Paul’s.
Welcome, Nik and Eleis. I'm very much looking forward to meeting you!