Monday, July 12, 2010

The Monday Funnies

We've been away the last few days at Shine Mont in the western hills bordering Shenandoah Valley for our annual parish retreat. We had 131 campers of all ages, good sports all. The weather started hot, and then we had a big thunderstorm the first night and it cooled off. Sunday morning was sunny and cool.

Thanks to Cindy Cartwright and her team for putting on a great weekend. The eco-friendly green non-plastic cups made it another year, and we had lots of kids running everywhere. The food was plentiful (quite hearty and deep-fried Southern style).

Hopefully someone will send me some photos from the weekend that I can share here later in the week. My first-generation digital camera has about bit the dust so I took no pictures.

The only casualty of the weekend was me during the annual kickball game. I went skidding into home plate and managed to wrap my left shoulder around a white wooden pole that holds up a building.

The 19th century vintage structure did not collapse, and I broke no bones but I am rather sore. We had a many health care professionals in camp, and I was well attended to.

For us, this was our third Shrine Mont parish weekend. You may recall Lori and I introduced ourselves to the parish two summers ago at Shrine Mont, so I consider this weekend to be the start of our third year at St. Paul's.

For the Monday Funnies, I thought I'd share a few funny photos. The first was taken by Bonny Bronson on her way to Heather Warren's ordination in North Carolina. The second was provided by Dave Walker. His caption:

"Man protesting about heretics who stop on the entrance markings at school drop-off and pick-up times. Also the Church of Rome."

Apparently some folks took offense when Dave posted it on his blog. I thought it rather funny.

Enjoy you Monday!

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