Sunday, May 23, 2010

Holy Spirit, red stoles, white ribbons and our first Pentecost picnic

This morning, at the 8 am service, we could hear the roar from across the street as graduating students, and their friends and families, began lining up for the "Final Exercises" of commencement at the University of Virginia.

A goodly number came inside for our early morning service, many wearing UVa colors and regalia. Megan Seston, the president of our Canterbury Student Fellowship and a graduating 4th year student, was already in her commencement garb.

It was an epic day.

Later in the morning, nearly 100 St. Paul's folks showed up at McIntire Park for our first-ever Pentecost picnic (a few photos here from the picnic). Associate Rector Ann Willms was the celebrant and I preached a few words (see below). The photo at right shows Ann talking with Wayne Nolen, left, our Altar Guild director. The chalice and paten in the foreground are Ann's.

It was a poignant day.

We served as a distribution point for hundreds of white ribbons as part of the campaign at UVa to bring attention to the issue of domestic violence especially against young women. We pinned the white ribbons on our red Pentecost clergy stoles, and the white ribbons stood out on the black commencement gowns in our midst and across the street. All told, 25,000 ribbons were given out.

The Holy Spirit wind was everywhere this Pentecost.

Blessings to all.

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