Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Life calmly gives out its own secret

I may write in a day or two, as the Spirit moves, more about my experience in the Easter Triduum. Each of the services had its own character, each was deeply moving in its own way. For now, my brain is and body is weary, and I need a respite from writing. So a poem for the day, a gift from our friend Karen in Tennessee...
“I want a lot.”
By Rainer Maria Rilke
You see, I want a lot.
Perhaps I want everything:
the darkness that comes with every infinite fall
and the shivering blaze of every step up.

So many live on and want nothing
and are raised to the rank of prince
by the slippery ease of their light judgments.

But what you love to see are faces
that so work and feel thirst....

You have not grown old, and it is not too late
to dive into your increasing depths
where life calmly gives out its own secret.

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