Thursday, March 25, 2010

Bishop's draft report on same-gender relationships

The bishops of the Episcopal Church have been meeting the last few days at Camp Allen, Texas, and they reviewed a long-awaited report on the theological issues of same-gender relationships. The report is 95 pages, and the reactions amongst the bishops is (not surprisingly) mixed. A number said yesterday it did not break any new ground, but at least it keeps the bishops at the table talking, and that is a good thing. To read the report click HERE.

Truthfully I don't have time at the moment to read the report and give you my reaction. But it is newsworthy, and if you get a chance, please read it and share your reaction. Below is a news story from Episcopal News Service with various links:

Bishops' theology committee publishes draft report on same-gender relationships

[Episcopal News Service] Published at 07:20 p.m. EDT, this story updates an earlier version to add comments from the meeting's news conference.

The Episcopal Church's House of Bishops, concluding its six-day retreat meeting at Camp Allen in Navasota, Texas, has posted a draft of the long-awaited 95-page report titled "Same-Sex Relationships in the Life of the Church" on the College of Bishops' website here.

"For a generation and more the Episcopal Church and the wider Anglican Communion have been engaged in a challenging conversation about sexual ethics, especially regarding same-sex relationships in the life of the church," Theology Committee Chair and Alabama Bishop Henry Parsley wrote in the report's preface. "The hope of this work is that serious engagement in theological reflection across differences will build new bridges of understanding."

To read the full news story clicking HERE.

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