Sunday, January 10, 2010

Yule Log hunt tradition continues at St. Paul's

Today was the annual "Yule Log Hunt" at St. Paul's, a unique festival of songs, a hunt for a log in the woods, a bonfire and an appearance by the three wise men, all on the grounds of Ash Lawn, the estate of President James Monroe.

Our rector Emeritus, David Poist, who near as I can tell invented this wonderful event, came out of retirement today to be the master of ceremonies.

We began with the hunt for a large log, marked with a red ribbon, hidden in the woods. Once it was found, it was attached to sled, and the crowd dragged it up the hill with the child who found it riding
the sled.

We sang a few Christmas carols, burned the log, and heard David tell us the legends of the yule log.

A good time was had by all. Here are a few photos taken by Lori this afternoon.

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