Friday, January 29, 2010

Our centennial celebration begins

Sorry I haven't posted anything new here in a few days. I've been attending to the final details for the visitation of Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori for our centennial celebration. Many people have been working non-stop for days, and this weekend promises to be wonderful.

Our resident parish meteorologists have kept close tabs on the weather, and the prediction is for snow Saturday. We will have our banquet, but we advise that you only come if you can drive safely. The snow should be cleared for Sunday services.

Bishop Katharine has arrived safely in Charlottesville, and she will be speaking in the Dome Room of the Rotunda at 4pm. Come if you are in the area; seating is limited, so you should arrive early. Earlier this morning she installed Shannon Johnston as our diocesan bishop, and challenged us to feed the people with the bread of God.

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