Friday, January 8, 2010

Asking the Big-Hard-Questions: Join me for a special class beginning next week

It gives me great pleasure to offer a course for adults to explore our faith, ask the Big-Hard-Questions about faith, God, Christianity and community. This course, beginning next Wednesday Jan. 13 at 7 pm, is designed for any adult who wants to enrich his or her faith journey.

The course is also designed for any adult who would like to be confirmed, received as an Episcopalian, or reaffirm her or his faith commitment with Bishop Shannon Johnston on March 14. But you don't have to do that to be in this class. This course is open to all who wish to join us on a journey of exploration into the deepest mysteries of life. We won’t find all of the answers, but the road will be full of wonder and amazing grace.

Let me explain a little of how we will do this: Some classes communicate facts, content, history, dates, events. We will do some of that – but more importantly we will try to give you a place to explore the meaning of faith in community and “equip the saints” with tools for exploring our faith and putting it into practice in daily life and work.

Each evening will open with prayer. I will then give a presentation on the topic of the evening, and we will then talk awhile. We will close each evening with prayer. The outlines of my presentations, and handouts, will be posted on a special blog for the class where I hope we can continue the conversations outside of the classroom. You can find the class blog by clicking HERE. It will be updated each week.

And, anyone who lives far from Charlottesville is invited to join us on this journey through the special course blog and by entering into the conversation through the "comment" section. All I ask is that you identify yourself.

Topics each week will include how we interpret the Bible, the tradition of the creeds, and how we live out our lives as faithful people living in tension with the modern world. The course is structured in the classic Anglican method of "Scripture, Reason and Tradition."

To join us, please call the office 434.295.2156, or just show up on the first night, Jan. 13 at 7 p.m.

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