Friday, November 13, 2009

Sacred places, sacred moments

I spent Thursday at a diocesan monthly meeting for clergy new to the Diocese of Virginia, along with Associate Rector Ann Willms. The roads were slick with rain, but we made it to-and-fro Fredericksburg.

Our conversation at the meeting ranged over a lot of landscape, from challenges in our parishes to our leadership styles. But it was not all shop-talk about programs and church dynamics.

We also prayed together, and talked about the sacred times and places, moments of joy and pain, we are called to share with our people. There was much wisdom and considerable compassion in the room, and that made the room a sacred place.

I came across this photo on the internet Thursday evening. It was taken a few hours earlier in Yosemite near Half Dome. Seems it was rainy there, too. I share it with you simply because it feels sacred to me.

Photo by Nick Ahlgrim

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