Saturday, November 7, 2009

The people of the church speak: Our priority ought to be reaching youth and young adults

You may recall a few months ago we were encouraged to complete an on-line survey on what we think the priorities of the Episcopal Church ought to be. Nearly 6,700 people responded, and the top priority is: "reaching youth and young adults." Next came "evangelism/proclaiming the good news of Christ," which I think is related.

You can read an Episcopal News Service report on the survey, which has a link to a download of the full results. The ENS report can be found by clicking HERE. I intend to read the results closely and comment further here in the coming days.

It is my hope that in the coming months we will find ways to strengthen our already strong youth and young adult programs at St. Paul's, and broaden our reach so that we can attract new people. Stephanie Bolton, our chair of Newcomers ministries, our associate rector, Ann Willms, and Tony Potter are working to develop a new system for attracting and keeping new members. If you'd like to be a part of that effort, please contact me.

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