Friday, November 27, 2009

Back in Charlottesville and onward with Fiat Lux

I hope you have had a wonderful Thanksgiving and some time off from whatever keeps you busy.

As you probably can tell by now, I am back in Charlottesville. I've been in California with my family: my mother who has been ailing, and my sister and her son. I also got to see some of my dearest and oldest friends.

While there, my one remaining uncle died at age 91, the last surviving man in our family from the World War II generation. I would not be here but for my Uncle Van. My mother met my father on a blind date -- fixed up by Uncle Van, who introduced my father (his Navy buddy) to the sister of the young woman Van was dating. Two marriages came of this blind date. My mom and dad; and Van went onto to marry my mother's oldest sister.

Here in Charlottesville, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving worship service Thursday morning, with full choir. We've had an ample Thanksgiving feast (two, in fact), and I am feeling very blessed, indeed, by the love of family and friends and all of you.

In the next few days, we will take up where we left off in this space. I hope you will join me again on this journey, forgive whatever excesses or mistakes I may commit, and lend me your gentle wisdom.

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