Wednesday, September 16, 2009

St. Paul's Youth Events this Sunday

9:45AM Breakfast for all in the lounge Rite 13 (6th & 7th Graders) will leave by 10AM to help in the community garden and learn about the goodness of creation. Parents can pick up youth at the garden at 11:30 and are welcome to stay for the celebration we will have there. If are a few parent drivers who can help out please reply to this email -- we would love help getting everyone to the garden. The address of the Garden is 421 "10 1/2 Street" (near Grady Ave.). Drive up Rugby Ave. away from the church. Turn right on Grady Ave. and then another right on 10 1/2 Street. You can't miss it.

My Faith, My Life (High School): Meets upstairs after breakfast. Topic: Belief: What is it and how do we talk about it? We will look at various creeds and covenants of the church and talk about the ongoing task of putting our beliefs into words (and actions). We will also begin the process of articulating our personal beliefs.

Pilgrimage Slide Shows SPY Evening Youth Group: 4 - 6:30PM All 8th Graders - 12th graders are invited to the parish lounge for the unveiling of our Pilgrimage slide shows. Both the So. Dakota and Mississippi groups will show photos. Parents are welcome to stay for the first hour, then the youth will have pizza and prepare for the worship service on Sept. 27th. We need to meet at 4PM to have access to the TV in the lounge. If you participated in one of the pilgrimages, you need to attend this meeting.

***6th & 7th Graders -- the older youth will also share these slide shows with you at a later date.

Save the Date: Next Sunday, Sept. 27th Youth will be leading the 10AM worship service, sharing stories from their pilgrimage to South Dakota and Mississippi. There are no classes and all youth and invited to worship.

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